- Physical Activity Promotion Tools in the Portuguese Primary Health Care: An Implementation Research (2020)
- The Heavy Burden of Obesity: The Economics of Prevention (2019)
- WHO Global Action Plan on Physical Activity – versão síntese em português (2018)
- Physical activity strategy for the WHO European Region 2016–2025 (2016)
- Council Recommendation on health-enhancing physical activity across sectors (2013)
- Integrating diet, physical activity and weight management services into primary care (2016)
- Tackling NCDs: ‘Best buys’ and other recommended interventions for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (2017)
- Interventions on diet and physical activity: what works: summary report (2009)
- Planning healthy and sustainable meetings – A how-to guide for healthy and sustainable meetings at the WHO Regional Office for Europe (2018)
- Common Vision for Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Sedentary Living in Canada: Let’s Get Moving (2018)
- Evidence review: Addressing the social determinants of inequities in physical activity and related health outcomes (2015)
- Carta Europeia do Desporto
- Study on the contribution of sport to the employability of young people in the context of the Europe 2020 Strategy (2017)
- Enhancing the Contribution of Sport to the Sustainable Development Goals
Educação em todo o Ciclo de Vida
- What works in schools and colleges to increase physical activity? (2019)
- Gerações Mais Saudáveis: Políticas públicas de promoção da saúde das crianças e jovens em Portugal (2018)
- Promoting physical activity in schools: an important element of a health-promoting school (2017)
- Young and physically active : a blueprint for making physical activity appealing to youth (2012)
- Physical Education and Sport at School in Europe (2013)
Vigilância e Monitorização
- Prevalence and Preferences of Self-Reported Physical Activity and Nonsedentary Behaviors in Portuguese Adults (2019)
- Results From Portugal’s 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth (2018)
- Portugal – Physical activity Factsheet (2018)
- Physical Activity Factsheets for the 28 European Union Member States of the WHO European Region. Copenhagen: World Health Organization (2018)
- Promoting Physical Activity in the Education Sector: Current status and success stories from the European Union Member States of the WHO European Region. Copenhagen: World Health Organization (2018)
- Promoting Physical Activity in the Health Sector: Current status and success stories from the European Union Member States of the WHO European Region. Copenhagen: World Health Organization (2018)
- Eurobarómetro Especial 472 Desporto e Atividade Física 2018 – Portugal
- Promoting health-enhancing physical activity in Europe: Current state of surveillance, policy development and implementation (2018)
- Factsheets on health enhancing physical activity in the 28 European Union member states of the WHO European region (2015)
- Study on the implementation of the EU physical activity guidelines (2016)
- Review of physical activity promotion policy development and legislation in European Union Member States (2010)
Comunicação e Informação
- UK Chief Medical Officers’ Physical Activity Guidelines (2019)
- WHO Guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under 5 years of age (2019)
- Health matters: getting every adult active every day (2016)
- Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition (2018)
- WHO Global recommendations on physical activity for health (2010)
- Orientações da UE para a promoção da actividade física (2008)
- The Bangkok Declaration on Physical Activity for Global Health and Sustainable Development (2017)
- Cartazes da Campanha LEVANTE-SE da Direção-Geral da Saúde (2018)
- Infografia – Recomendações de Atividade Física na Infância (até 5 anos) – Direção-Geral da Saúde (2018)
- Infografia – Recomendações de Atividade Física para Crianças e Jovens (5 a 18 anos) – Direção-Geral da Saúde (2018)
- Infografia – Recomendações de Atividade Física para Adultos e Idosos – Direção-Geral da Saúde (2018)
- Infografia – Recomendações de Atividade Física para Mulheres Grávidas – Direção-Geral da Saúde (2018)
Trabalho e Empresas
- Barómetro do Fitness em Portugal 2018 (2019)
- Poster fit@work Portugal – Autoridade para as Condições do Trabalho (2019)
- Physical activity at the workplace: Literature review and best practice case studies (2017)
- Workplace interventions for reducing sitting at work (2016)
- Stand More AT Work (SMArT Work): using the behaviour change wheel to develop an intervention to reduce sitting time in the workplace (2018)
- Iterative development of Stand Up Australia: a multi-component intervention to reduce workplace sitting (2014)
Comunidades e Sociedade Civil
- The CDC Guide to Strategies to Increase Physical Activity in the Community (2011)
- Community participation in local health and sustainable development. Approaches and techniques (2002)
- Active people: healthy communities – The impact of community sport investment in public health (2014)
- Sport and active society programs (2016)
Ambiente Construído e Mobilidade Ativa
- Estratégia Nacional para a Mobilidade Ativa Ciclável 2020-2030 (2019)
- The benefits of cycling: Unlocking their potential for Europe (2018)
- EU Cycling Strategy. Recommendations for Delivering Green Growth and an Effective Mobility in 2030 (2017)
- Active Design: Planning for health and wellbeing through sport and physical activity (2015)
- Commuting: who pays the bill? Overview of fiscal regimes for commuting in Europe and recommendations for establishing a level playing-field (2014)
- How the built environment affects physical activity (2012)
- 10 Techniques for Making Cities More Walkable (2012)
- Association between active commuting and incident cardiovascular disease, cancer, and mortality: prospective cohort study (2017)
- Cities Alive: Towards a walking world (2016)
- Towards more physical activity: Transforming public spaces to promote physical activity – a key contributor to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Europe (2017)
- A healthy city is an active city: a physical activity planning guide (2008)
- CiclAndo – Plano Nacional de Promoção da Bicicleta e Outros Modos Suaves (2012)
- Espaços verdes urbanos: um manual para a ação (2017)
- Inclusive Healthy Places (2018)
- The TRACE Toolkit. Guidelines and recommendations on tracking walking & cycling for mobility planning and behaviour change (2018)
Grupos Especiais
- Boas Práticas de Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável na Região Centro (2018)
- Mapping of good practices relating to social inclusion of migrants through sport (2016)
- Physical activity promotion in socially disadvantage groups: principles for action (2013)
- Increasing physical activity among adults with disabilities (2014)
- Communicating With and About People with Disabilities (2014)
- Exercise as medicine – evidence for prescribing exercise as therapy in 26 different chronic diseases (2015)
- Physical activity prescription: a critical opportunity to address a modifiable risk factor for the prevention and management of chronic disease: a position statement by the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine (2016)
- American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Exercise and physical activity for older adults (2009)